Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Another Justin Bieber? Say What?

Justin Bieber Finally Finds Fame... At Age 35!?

Here are some fun facts you didn't know about Justin Bieber: His biggest musical influence is Devo, and he's even been known to wear the red dome hat. Also, he's rocking a goatee these days. His wife has been surprisingly tolerant of the crazed young female fans clamoring to get his attention. And he doesn't seem at all bitter about not becoming famous till he was 35.

As you may have guessed by now, we're talking about a Justin Bieber whose voice has changed. This would be the Justin E. Bieber of Jacksonville, Florida, who has come out of the closet—the one where he was hiding from the phone, which rings day and night—to embrace his celebrity as the name-only doppelganger of the 16-year-old pop sensation.

What brought the nearly middle-aged Bieber out of hiding? It was the fact that Facebook deleted his account, without any warning, on the basis that he was using a fake name. Anyone who has ever had an account canceled or suspended by Facebook knows that you have a better chance of getting a personal meeting with the President than tracking down a human employee of Mark Zuckerberg who'll listen to your lament. As he told a Florida TV station, "I guess their policy is ban first, ask questions never." So Bieber took the only route available to him and publicized his plight with the press. It worked; Facebook contacted him after reading news accounts and apologetically conceded that he is a real person.

This Bieber constantly fields phone calls not just from giggling or screaming girls but people wanting to work with him. "Artists say, 'I am going to be working with you this weekend'," he told Florida's First Coast News. "I say, 'No, you're not. You don't want to sing with me.'"

Here's the weird thing in all of this: If you do a search on "Justin Bieber" on Facebook and click just on people employing that as their user name, you get more than 500 results. So how as it that all these Justin Bieber posers stay in the good graces of Facebook while a real Justin Bieber gets unceremoniously kicked off?

There's probably a good answer to that, even if Facebook won't discuss the issue. Nearly all of those other Justin Bieber accounts on Facebook are accompanied by pictures of the pop star—which is to say, obvious fan pages, presumably established by kids, even if they are incorrectly categorize under "people" and not "pages." But some overcautious Facebook flunky probably came across the photo of a demonstrably aged Justin Bieber and automatically thought: Child predator.

But the happily married Florida Bieber has no designs on anything more sinister than telling the world that there is one more JB out there, improbable as that name duplication might seem. In fact, searches of other social and business network sites turn up several adult Justin Biebers around the country, though none of them responded to our queries, perhaps wary of being dragged in to sing "Never Say Never" against their will on their own local Top 40 stations.

Although it took the interference of the press to get Jacksonville Justin restored to Facebook, he had an easier time convincing iTunes' new networking service, Ping to reinstate him after they also blocked his account.

On his Ping page, Bieber is wearing one of Devo's old trademark yellow Haz-mat-style suits. Maybe this is his chance to record his own iTunes anthem: "Q: Are We Not Boy Singers? A: We Are Beib-o!"

So far, despite a dilemma that some of us might imagine to be a living hell, the 35-year-old Bieber has refrained from knocking his 16-year-old counterpart. Maybe he's enjoying this sweet moment of fame; David Letterman's office has even contacted him about reading a Top 10 list on the show. But it would be interesting to know if before now Bieber has held onto his name with the same fierce justification as the "Michael Bolton" character in the classic comedy Office Space.

As you may recall, the Bolton in that movie opines that "there was nothing wrong with [that name], until I was about 12 years old and that no-talent [blankedy-blank] became famous and started winning Grammys." The Samir character asks. "Why don't you just go by Mike instead of Michael?" The anwswer: "No way! Why should I change? He's the one who sucks."

The day this Bieber says something along those lines is probably the day he not only changes his name but becomes eligible for the witness protection program.

* Just some piece of advice, when you are looking for Justin Bieber on your phonebook, just make sure he is the " Real" Justin Bieber, the one discovered in youtube by Usher not the Justin Bieber that's from Jacksonville, Florida, 35 & married. You might be disappointed!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I love you Ian Somerhalder!

Here is a little trivia about my love, Ian Somerhalder:

Began modeling at age 10, modeled for Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabanna, Gucci, Versace and Guess

Modeled for Calvin Klein, Dolce & Gabanna,and Gucci. However, he doesn't like to talk about his modeling career because of the impressions people might get of him as being just another pretty face.

Played varsity soccer and baseball.

Ironically, the first actor to be cast as one of the survivors in "Lost" (2004).

In 2005, he bulked up, adding about 20 to 30 pounds of muscle to his slim frame, so he would be considered for more leading-man-type roles.

Has said in an interview he was planning to buy a home in Hawaii when filming the hit show "Lost" but couldn't after his character was killed off in the show.

He has a brother, Robert (Bob), and a sister. Their parents divorced when he was thirteen.

His father, Robert Somerhalder, was a building contractor of French and English descent, and his mother, Edna, who is of Irish and Choctaw descent, grew up on a pig farm in Mississippi.

Grew up with his mother, whom he has described as being "very spiritual".

Attended Catholic school.

The surname "Somerhalder" originates from his adoptive great-grandfather. His biological great-grandfather, a wealthy English landowner, got one of his mistresses pregnant and paid an immigrant worker of his to marry this woman and give the baby a name, which was Somerhalder. The biological great-grandfather's name was Hull.

Was compared to looking like "a young Rob Lowe" by Rosie O'Donnell on "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon"

His personal biography:

The son of a massage therapist and a building contractor, Somerhalder was born and raised in the small southern town of Covington, LA. Boating, swimming, fishing and training horses filled much of his recreational time growing up, as did the school drama club and performing with the local theater group. With his mother's encouragement, at age 10 he began a modeling career that took him to New York each summer. By junior high, he opted to put modeling on the back burner and focus more on sports and school. A few years later, when the opportunity to model in Europe arose, Somerhalder grabbed it, embarking on an enriching path of work, travel and study that took him to cities including Paris, Milan and London. At 17, he began studying acting in New York, and by 19 had committed himself to the craft, working with preeminent acting coach William Esper. His fate was sealed while working as an extra in a club scene in the feature film _Black & White(1999)_. A talent manager visiting a client on the set spotted Somerhalder in a crowd scene of 400 and immediately signed him for representation. Happy to be anchored in New York, Somerhalder spends much of his time studying acting, writing and practicing yoga. His recreational interests include water and snow skiing and horseback riding.

Quotes from Ian himself:

[On his reasons for becoming an actor] "To explore different parts of yourself and different emotional lives....not to hide from who you are but to actually explore who you are".

I have a million acquaintances but just two or three true friends. I can't hide anything from them.

"I kind of think too much, I try do too many things at once." [On his biggest weakness]

"This program teaches people that it only takes a single unlucky moment to lead to tragedy, if you come into contact with one really messed up person, they can truly take your life away." [In regards to the Matthew Shepard killing and MTV's Fight for Your Rights: Take a Stand Against Discrimination campaign]

[About his co-star Maggie Grace] "She's hateable in Lost, but really she's the sweetest, most adorable thing on the planet."

His is now playing the hot Damon Salvatore in the hit television series Vampire Diaries so tune in every tuesday, 8 pm in ETC.

Ian, you take my breath away!

Bullying.. a worldwide epidemic..

Nine teenagers charged for bullying classmate who later committed suicide

Nine teenagers were charged on Monday, March 29 for the “unrelenting” bullying of a 15-year-old girl from Ireland who ended up killing herself after being raped and tormented for months in Northampton, Mass.

Northwestern District Attorney Elizabeth Scheibel said that the teen, Phoebe Prince of South Hadley, had been stalked and tormented both in person and on-line since she had started school in September. Prince committed suicide on January 14.

"The investigation revealed relentless activities directed toward Phoebe to make it impossible for her to stay at school. The bullying for her was intolerable," Scheibel said.

There are six teens (four girls, two boys) who are facing charges including statutory rape, assault, criminal harassment, violation of civil rights resulting in injury and stalking. The other three who were charged in Prince’s case are younger teenage girls who will now face charges of delinquency.

Even though Phoebe Prince’s school officials were aware of the bullying none of them will face any charges. Scheibel also stated that, "The actions of these students were primarily conducted on school grounds during school hours and while school was in session."

District Attorney Scheibel said that Phoebe’s family has since moved away from the area in western Massachusetts and spoke on their behalf.

"The Prince family has asked that the public refrain from vigilantism in favor of allowing the judicial system an opportunity to provide a measure of justice for Phoebe," according to Sheibel.

Bullies often bully students who are lonely. They do it over and over, but the students usually don't tell anybody they are being bullied because they are afraid of the bullies.

These students don't know how to stop the bullies and are very unhappy. Some don't see a solution and don't want to be bullied any more, so they decide to commit suicide.

A 14-year-old girl in Canada was bullied all the time by three girls in her class. The girls even called her on the telephone to bully her. She was afraid to stand up to them and never told anyone about the situation. She was miserable and didn't want to be bullied again, so she killed herself.

A 14-year-old boy in Canada was also bullied a lot. He was miserable, but he did not talk to anyone either. Finally, he wrote a note to his parents. He told them that he was scared of the bullies and didn't know what to do. Then he jumped off a bridge.

In England, a 13-year-old girl was bullied because she was very tall. She was scared of the bullies, but she also never told anybody what the bullies was doing. She was so unhappy that she committed suicide.

These young students were lonely and unhappy. They did not know how to stop the bullies, so they killed themselves. We need to notice when students are victims and desperate. Then we can help them before they decide to commit suicide.


Cheer Angel 2006
Born April 3, 1989 / Died January 18, 2006
by Suicide / Depression
Reflections by Donna Dreyer, Desire's mom:

"My daughter, Desire' Dreyer attended Glen Este High School in Amelia, Ohio. She was a varsity cheerleader, had a personality that we all only wish we could possess, had a smile that would take your breath away, had a heart of gold and had more friends than any of us will ever have in this lifetime. But on a cold wintery day, January 18, 2006 she took her own life, the day I died inside. She was being bullied by a group of girls from her school. When we moved to Amelia Ohio four years ago, my daughter had a few issues with the move, but she seemed to have adjusted when she started making new friends, made the cheerleading squad and met a young man, the boyfriend of her dreams.

But there were a few girls that just could not leave well enough alone.

My daughter had a few health issues, sometimes her and her boyfriend fought, sometimes we fought about the usual teenage stuff, (her staying out to late, keeping her grades up), the bullies teased her about these things, they even harassed her about having it all, (meaning she had a loving family, nice home, was a varsity cheerleader and a handsome boyfriend, (a running back for the varsity football team). These girls threw things at her in classrooms (while the teachers turned their heads and walked out of the classroom), chased her into the girl’s restrooms at school and told her if "it" didn't happen inside of school it would outside of school. There were other incidents of a group of girls that followed her home from Homecoming in 2005 and threatened her in front of our house. The bullies even went as far as to be waiting on her one night when the school bus she was on (the cheerleaders had to ride the bus to away football games) arrived back at her High School. They followed her to a local restaurant and surrounded her car. My daughter called the police from her cell phone.

This is the kind of bullying my daughter had to endure. While I knew of some of these issues, I did not know the extent of the bullying. I was told by the small school principal that the problem was taken care of, only to find out the group of girls did not stop. My daughter did not want to go to school, her grades dropped drastically, she became severely depressed. I did not know that the bullying was the cause; if only I had known then what I know now, if only I had known that all the signs she portrayed were signs of being bullied, which lead her to depression, which in turn led her to suicide.

The school has tried to brush this under the rug since the day she took her life. They told the students at the school they were not allowed to take the day off for her funeral. They told the students they could show no signs that my daughter even existed. (For example, some students had written Desire's name on the back window of their cars, had dog tags made up with her picture and name on them - the students were told that if they had her name on their car windows they would not be allowed to park in the school parking lot. They were told to remove the dog tags). The school will not even allow us to place a bench on school property in Desire’s memory, but there are other benches, trees, shadow boxes, etc at the school for all other students that have passed away.

The only time we have spoken with any of the school personnel is when my husband and I approached the Board of Education. They never once approached us regarding any of the bullying that was going on at the school. We feel as if they just want to brush the whole bullying issue under the rug and move on. They don’t have the decency to admit to the public that they should have taken appropriate action against the bullies, instead they gave them a slap on their hands and sent them back to class with my daughter, the same classes my daughter begged them to remove her from but they would not.

The West Clermont School District has initiated a program called the Olweus Bullying Program. The program is geared towards training school personnel and students how to handle bullying situations. Although, I strongly believe that this program will not work if school personnel, students and parents do not play a major role.

I just wish for a half of a second the school administration and the bullies could see how it feels to be in my shoes, to make yourself get out of bed everyday by the grace of God and go into Desire’s bed room just to hope that maybe, just maybe this has all been a bad dream, but then only to see that she is not there. Our house is so empty, her laughter that was once is no more, quite often I find I cannot take the silence. There is a heavy weight that is a constant on my shoulders. I die inside over and over everyday. I see her and think about her in everything I say and do. There is no rhyme or reasoning left in my life. Things that mattered before don't even have a place in my life anymore. The only thing that keeps me going at this point is I know that some day I will see her again".

* I could share a lot more stories about teenagers who committed suicide because of bullying but I think you get the point. This has become a worldwide epidemic but my only question is when will this ever end? How many kids still have to die until the school or even the government makes a move. WHEN? WHEN? I hope the answer will be... NOW!

What Facebook can do to you..

Facebook catapults three 20-somethings onto the list, but the youngest isn't who you think it is.

The Facebook phenomenon strikes again, this time helping catapult two new 20-somethings into the ranks of America's richest for the first time and bringing down the average age of America's richest ever so slightly to 65.7. Only eight American billionaires are under the age of 40, and three of them co-founded Facebook. The youngest? It isn't who you think it is. The world's youngest billionaire is now 26-year-old Dustin Moskovitz, who is eight days younger than his former Harvard roommate and Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. The social-networking site's first chief technology officer, Moskovitz left in 2008 and started Asana, a software company that allows individuals and small companies to better collaborate. The company has attracted several of the same early backers as Facebook and may one day be worth something. For now, though, Forbes estimates Moskovitz's entire $1.4 billion fortune comes from his 6 percent stake in Facebook.

Zuckerberg may no longer reign as the youngest member of the Forbes 400, but he has bragging rights as the year's biggest percentage gainer -- his net worth jumped to $6.9 billion, up from $2 billion, making him worth nearly five times as much as Moskovitz and more than even Apple's Steve Jobs.

The third Facebook co-founder among the ranks is 28-year-old Eduardo Saverin, who once owned a one-third stake in Facebook. When Zuckerberg and Moskovitz quit school to relocate to California, Saverin stayed behind to graduate. A year later Facebook sued him; he countersued. The parties settled with Saverin apparently getting a 5 percent stake and a co-founder bio on Facebook's site. Don't feel bad. We estimate that share makes him worth $1.15 billion.

Technology, and in particular the Internet, has long been the best bet for getting rich at a young age. Bill Gates made his debut on the list in 1986 at age 30 with a net worth of $315 million. Michael Dell debuted at age 26; 19 years later, he is still among the list's 20 youngest. So too for Yahoo's (Nasdaq: YHOO - News) David Filo and Jerry Yang, who first made the ranks a dozen years ago. Indeed half of the 20 youngest America billionaires have made their fortunes in the tech industry, most via the Internet.

Outside the world of the Internet, young rich-list members have been able to cash in from a few other industries such as finance and sports. Hedge fund manager John Arnold, 36, got his start as an oil trader for Enron in 1995. He is said to have earned $750 million for the company in 2001. When Enron collapsed a year later, he went into business for himself, founding Centaurus, a hedge fund focusing mostly on natural gas, energy trading.

Five of the 20 youngest inherited their fortunes, including Scott Duncan, the only billionaire in his 20s who didn't strike it rich with Facebook. He and his siblings assumed control of the family's $12.4 billion pipeline empire after their father Dan Duncan's death last March.

Worth noting about this bunch is not simply how quickly they've made their money, but how they are choosing to spend it, not so much on luxury homes or expensive toys but on causes about which they are passionate. Google's Larry Page is buying up chunks of residential Palo Alto for a network of houses that use new types of fuel cells, geothermal energy and rainwater capture. He also rides a Zero X electric dirt bike and an electric sports car from Tesla Motors, in which he and Sergey Brin are investors. EBay's Pierre Omidyar has donated to everything from a company that designs solar powered lanters to a political satire show in Kenya. Moskovitz gave $70,000 in support of Proposition 19, which is seeking to legalize marijuana in California in November. John Arnold has agreed to take the Giving Pledge, making the commitment to give the majority of his wealth to charity.

As for Zuckerberg, he still lives in a relatively modest rental home in Palo Alto, Calif. So what's he doing with his wealth? Not much so far, given that most of it is tied up in non-public shares of Facebook. Still, the 26-year-old announced on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" in September that he is giving away $100 million to Newark's schools. The gift is the largest philanthropic act by a person his age in American history.

1.) Dustin Moskovitz

Net Worth: $1.4 billion
Source: Facebook
Age: 26

America's youngest billionaire is eight days younger than his former Harvard roommate Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook's first chief technology officer, he left in 2008 to start Asana, a software company that allows individuals and small companies to better collaborate. For now, his entire fortune comes from his 6 percent stake in Facebook.

2.) Mark Zuckerberg

Net Worth: $6.9 billion
Source: Facebook
Age: 26

The Harvard dropout and Facebook CEO was the biggest percentage gainer on this year's Forbes 400 list and the unwitting star of box-office hit "The Social Network." Last month he agreed to donate $100 million to Newark's troubled schools.

3.) Scott Duncan

Net Worth: $3.1 billion
Source: pipelines
Age: 27

The son of the late Dan Duncan assumed control of part of his family's $12.4 billion pipeline empire after his father's death last March. Their energy company, Enterprise Products, owns more than 49,000 miles of pipelines.

4.) Eduardo Saverin

Net Worth: $1.15 billion
Source: Facebook
Age: 28

Brazilian-born Saverin co-founded Facebook with Harvard classmate Mark Zuckerberg and for a brief time had a one-third stake. When Zuckerberg quit school to relocate to California, Saverin stayed behind to graduate. A year later Facebook sued him; he countersued. The parties settled with Saverin apparently getting a 5 percent stake and co-founder bio on Facebook's site.

5.) John Arnold

Net Worth: $3.3 billion
Source: hedge funds
Age: 36

The former Enron oil trader founded hedge fund Centaurus after the energy outfit famously collapsed. His fund now has $5 billion under management, and he and his wife Laura recently pledged half of their wealth to the Gates-Buffet challenge.

6.) Sergey Brin

Net Worth: $15 billion
Source: Google
Age: 37

Emigrated from Russia at age 6; his mother was a research scientist at NASA. He met Larry Page in computer science Ph.D. program at Stanford and dropped out in 1998 to start Google. Brin now focuses on raising margins with Instant Search and building new businesses in communications, and he invests in space travel initiatives and Parkinson's research on the side.

7.) Larry Page

Net Worth: $15 billion
Source: Google
Age: 37

The Google co-founder dropped out of his Stanford Ph.D. program in 1998 to start the search engine. Nowadays his personal passions include buying up chunks of residential Palo Alto for a network of houses that use new types of fuel cells, geothermal energy and rainwater capture. He also rides a Zero X electric dirt bike and an electric sports car from Tesla Motors, in which he and Sergey Brin are investors. Page is a board member of the X Prize Foundation, a nonprofit looking for breakthroughs in genomics, energy and space exploration.

8.) Daniel Ziff

Net Worth: $4 billion
Source: inheritance, hedge funds
Age: 38

The youngest son of the late William Ziff Jr., who built the Ziff-Davis publishing empire (PC Magazine, Car & Driver, Boating) and later sold out. Daniel and his brothers Dirk and Robert inherited their father's fortune, which they have since reinvested in Ziff Brothers Investments. He recently got married.

9.) Lorenzo Fertitta

Net Worth: $1 billion
Source: casinos, Ultimate Fighting Championship
Age: 41

Fertitta returns to billionaire status thanks to growing martial arts league Ultimate Fighting Championship, which he owns with his older brother Frank. Abu Dhabi investment is helping UFC go international. A scuba diver, he swims with sharks -- including tigers and great whites -- for fun.

10.) Jerry Yang

Net Worth: $1.15 billion
Source: Yahoo!
Age: 41

Born in Taiwan, Yang moved to the U.S. at age 10. He created his Web directory in 1994 with partner David Filo when both were Stanford grad students. Yahoo! co-founder made his debut among America's 400 richest at age 29. Still with Yahoo!, but no longer its head honcho. He sits on other boards and makes a number of charitable donations.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Brave Prince..

Prince William makes first royal rescue for RAF

LONDON – Britain's Prince William has completed his first mission as a Royal Air Force search-and-rescue helicopter co-pilot, plucking a stricken worker from an offshore gas rig, his office said Tuesday.

The 28-year-old, who is second-in-line to the British throne, was among the crew of a Sea King helicopter called to a rig in Morecambe Bay, off the coast of northwestern England, on Saturday.

William's office said the crew flew through "squally winds" and mild turbulence to collect the rig worker, who had a suspected heart attack, and transport him to a waiting ambulance.

"Prince William is pleased finally to be able to contribute to the lifesaving work of the search-and-rescue force. He is proud, after two years of intense training, to be able to serve in one of Britain's foremost emergency services," his office said in a statement.

It said the royal's Sea King helicopter, call sign "Rescue 122", was scrambled by the Liverpool coast guard office, and took about half an hour to fly to the rig from the crew's base at RAF Valley, in Anglesey, north Wales, on the Irish Sea coast.

William, known as Flight Lt. Wales in his new job, joined the crew last month after completing his training.

Though his younger brother Harry served in Afghanistan in 2008 as a battlefield air controller — until his tour of duty was cut short following a media leak, William is considered unlikely to be allowed to serve in a combat zone.

Last year, he said he remained "hopeful there's a chance" he might serve in Afghanistan. Military chiefs, however, believe William would be put in too much danger.

William is scheduled to spend three years as a search-and-rescue pilot for the RAF, and is likely to be eventually promoted to the rank of captain — meaning he would have overall control of his helicopter crew.

His unit routinely flies missions to Northern Ireland, where ministers and security chiefs have warned of a growing threat from dissident Irish Republic Army terrorism.

Monday, October 4, 2010

One Day..

Someday, I wish to become:
1.) A Successful Surgeon
2.) Photographer
3.) One of the worlds top models
4.) An endorser for Nike shoes
5.) The CEO of my own company
6.) A sought after stylist like Rachel Zoe
7.) A Professional Tennis Player who wins all the kinds of opens
8.) One of the richest people in the world like Bill Gates
9.) Become the President of the country
10.) But most of all, I want to be a mother who will always be there, caring and loving for her child.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Iloilo's Gourmet Italian Restaurant..

Have you ever wanted to visit Italy to absorb its rich and influential heritage or perhaps immerse yourself in the alluring Mediterranean Coast? If you’re in Iloilo, start by getting a sense of Italy through its famed cuisine at Amalfi Cucina Italia.

Amalfi got its name from historic port town in the western coast of Italy. The Town of Amalfi, included in the UNESCO List of World Heritage Sites, is an important tourist destination because of its vast collection of old buildings and great coastal sceneries. Amalfi is also famous in Italy for its indulgent cuisine which relies on sun-kissed vegetables and herbs, salty capers, dried pasta, and fresh farmhouse cheeses (most notable of which is its water buffalo’s mozzarella).

Amalfi Cucina Italia has a wide range of Italian dishes to choose from tasty pasta and pizza, fresh salads and soups, mouth watering steaks, to sweet desserts and an excellent collection of wine. Although the prices are a bit expensive by Iloilo’s standards, the delicious food at Amalfi is definitely worth it. If you’re planning on impressing a date through a romantic dinner, then Amalfi should be your first option.

Amalfi is located in The Avenue building in Pison Complex more popularly known as Smallville, Iloilo’s prime entertainment destination. Amalfi is open everyday for lunch and dinner.

One Step at a Time..

Life As We Know It..

In "Life as We Know It," Holly Berenson (Katherine Heigl) is an up-and-coming restaurateur and Eric Messer (Josh Duhamel) is a promising network sports director.

After a disastrous blind date, the only thing they have in common is their dislike for each other and their love for their goddaughter, Sophie.

But when they suddenly become all what Sophie has in the world, Holly and Messer are forced to put their differences aside. Juggling career ambitions and competing social calendars, they'll have to find some common ground while living under one roof.

"Life as We Know It" is directed by Greg Berlanti from a screenplay by first time feature writers Ian Deitchman & Kristin Rusk Robinson. The film also stars Josh Lucas, Christina Hendricks and Hayes MacArthur.

* I will definitely watch this movie because aside from it being a love story and a family-oriented movie, it features two of my most loved actors of their generation, Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel who is absolutely hot! This is a movie that will make you believe that everything happens for a reason and fate can work in the most unexpected ways.

Friday, October 1, 2010

“Don’t stop believing, hold on to that feeling…” This is one of many songs made even more popular by the latest craze sweeping not only the nation, but the entire world: the musical television series Glee! It is filled with drama, comedy, and of course, loads of songs and dances. Every episode promises songs that will get you belting out the tune anytime, anywhere. It’s that infectious. Plus, it presents issues that any person can relate to – insecurities, relationship problems, gender biases, and many more. It also teaches us that we should accept who we are and learn to believe in ourselves.
Season 2 just started and it is looking good. So far, it’s been Britney Spears and Charice. I can’t wait for the next episodes. I am a certified Gleek!