Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And so it flows...

51 days and counting. Can you imagine ­­tens of millions of barrels of thick, black oil spilled into the water and tens of thousands more leaking every day?

The BP oil spill has this massive problem on their hands, as well as the United States government. All efforts to contain and stop the spill have been in vain, but the Obama administration refuses to accept any help from many countries who are offering it. Why?! Tons of marine life have been and are yet to be destroyed by this catastrophe and human lives are in danger as well; however, they do not want aid. Curb your pride and think! This is the Mother Earth you’re destroying!

Despite all their efforts in containing the damage and in repairing it, it has been to a minimal extent, if none at all. BP’s lack of safety measures and their underestimation of their equipment have added great peril to our waters that has not been eliminated completely. There were many of the aquatic species that were found dead in the spill zone, including sea turtles, dolphins, and even birds. There are even more that are unaccounted for. The islands and the marshlands accommodate more than 400 species and they are all at risk. Petroleum toxicity and oxygen depletion are just a few of their worries. There is more to come if the people involved in this do not move swiftly and thoroughly.

This goes to show that all companies, and all people for that matter, should take all precaution in dealing with matters that could affect our environment, which basically includes everything. We only have one Earth and we should cherish it to the greatest extent. We must do everything in our power to prevent anything like this oil spill from ever happening, or at least to prepare ourselves for it. It shouldn’t take something like this for us to make a move. We must constantly practice and live ways to help our world, even if it just starts with recycling. No measure is too small and nothing is insignificant. Our planet is precious. Let us take better care of it. If it suffers, we suffer along with it. Think about it.